Hello there, I'm

Dwi Indah

Software engineer specialized in frontend web development. Currently UI/UX Engineer at Kompas.com


I enjoy helping to turn your designs into interactive websites. As a passionate frontend web developer, I specialize in crafting visually stunning and user-friendly websites, leveraging my skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to bring innovative digital experiences to life.

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theUndangan.com is an online invitation service provider platform. in this project I designed, coded and set up the hosting and domain.

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In this project I made a landing page for PT Rasakita Adhikari Utama. I translate from UI design to website. My focus is to make a friendly and responsive website.

VIK - Merapah Trans-Sumatera 2022
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This project belongs to Visual Interaktif Kompas. As UIUX Engineer in Kompas.com, I translate design to responsive & interactive website.
